We are excited to announce that we have started developing The Malaya Project exhibition. Geared to members of all communities, we invite students, community partners and Malaya participants to come together for a three part series; exhibits, interactive panel discussion and workshop. The goal is to give the community an opportunity to explore first-hand the stories and topics from The Malaya Project. With featured participants we create a thought-provoking open discussion about the LGBTQ Filipino/as experience.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Pomona College

A big thank you to the students of Pomona College, Queer and Asian/Pacific Islander (Q&A), The Arts Committee of the Asian Amercian Resource Center (AARC), Intercollegiate Department of Asian American Studies (IDAAS), Queer People of Color (QPOC), The Women's Union, Students of Color Alliance (SOCA); Queer, Questioning and Allied Mentor Program (QQAMP) and to everyone that attended the event.